Information Technology and Systems - 2011
Conference for Young Scientists and Engineers
October 2 – 7, 2011

Ðóññêèé | English






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Alexander Kuleshov,
Corresponding Member of RAS, Director of IITP RAS
Telecommunication in Russia: The Past and The Future (rus)
Ballroom C. Tuesday, October 4, 9:00 - 10:00

The idea of creating data transmission networks and a considerable part of the Internet's technologies emerged in the USA and the USSR almost at the same time and almost independently. Today, the state of things has changed dramatically: we have been turning into consumers of telecommunications equipment and services which we do not even fully understand. What next?

Giuseppe Bianchi,
Professor of Telecommunications (University of Roma Tor Vergata)
Tools and Models for Real-time Analysis of Massive Streaming Data (eng)
Ballroom C. Monday, October 3, 11:20 - 12:20

The sheer volume of information flowing across the Internet calls for increasingly large and scalable monitoring and data analysis systems. In this talk, we present and discuss basic building blocks, inspired by Counting Bloom filters, for efficient approximate streaming analysis of network traffic. We show, using as use-case the stream-based redesign of an offline telemarketer detection system, how they can be composed to form realistic network monitoring applications. Finally, we provide some preliminary ideas on how to analytically model the relevant approximation errors.

Dr. Jean J. Botti,
Chief Technical Officer of EADS
The Spirit of Innovation (eng)
Ballroom C. Monday, October 3, 10:00 - 11:00

The spirit of innovation is a driving force at EADS, one of the world's largest aerospace and defence companies. EADS Chief Technical Officer Dr. Jean Botti, will describe how the inspiration and management of innovation helps EADS develop market changing solutions to meet society's needs concerning security, mobility and the environment. The EADS Corporate Technical Office, the innovation arm of EADS, is a growing global network of R&T activity and Dr. Botti will discuss how Russia is playing an important role in the future development of EADS innovation and technology.

Kamil Zigangirov,
D.Sc. (tech), Professor (Lund University, Sweden), Chief Researcher (IITP RAS)
Multiple Access in Mobile Communication Systems (eng)
Ballroom C. Monday, October 3, 12:20 - 13:20

From the first experiments, which lead to invention of radio in the end of 19s century, mobile radio communication passed quite a long way. Mobile radio communication, which started in the middle of twenties century as expensive entertainment for a few selected individuals, is using now by almost half of the world’s population and has a tendency to further developing.

Modern mobile communication systems are based on cellular concept of organization of communication and on multiple access theory. The cellular concept of reusing radio frequencies was introduced in the middle of previous century. Methods of multiple access, such as TDMA (time division multiple access), FDMA (frequency division multiple access), and CDMA (code division multiple access), was used in mobile communication systems starting from 1980s. Now was added a new method, OFDMA (orthogonal frequency division multiple access).

We consider different methods of multiple access, in the first instance based on coding theory.

Alexander Rybko,
D.Sc. (math), Principal Researcher (IITP RAS)
Asymptotic Features of Queuing Networks (rus)
Ballroom C. Wednesday, October 5, 14:30 - 16:30

Explicite analitical expressions for stationary characteristics for queueing networks are not existed generally. Even the conditions for existence of stationary mode for the network are absolutely non-trivial. For this purpose the method of fluid limit was developed. This method gives the conditions for existence of stationary mode by investigation of corresponding deterministic fluid dynamics arising in Euler limit.
There is another method to investigate the properties of stationary distributions of the networks. This method use a special passage to thermodynamical limit and the consideration of mean-field models, or non-linear Markov processes describing the evolution of infinite symmetrical networks. This way leads to the question about the validity of Poisson hypothesis for these infinite networks. This hypothesis was proven for some classes of networks. The counterexamples are founded also.
Using both methods together, it is possible to obtane the new surprising results about asymptotical properties of the networks.

Alexander Maltsev,
D.Sc. (math), Professor (Lobachevski State University of Nizhny Novgorod), Principal Engineer (Intel Corporation)
Physical Layer Foundations for Modern Wi-Fi Wireless Communication Systems and IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11ac, and IEEE 802.11ad Standards
Ballroom C. Tuesday, October 4, 14:30 - 16:30

During the last years, Wi-Fi wireless local area networks along with cellular mobile systems became the most massive and widespread radio technologies. Advancement and technical development of the Wi-Fi systems continues and are performed by the IEEE 802.11 standards committee. Each new generation of the systems includes new technologies that allow to significantly enhance the technical parameters of Wi-Fi networks. The IEEE 802.11a standard was one first where the OFDM modulation was used that led to essentially improved system performance in wideband frequency selective propagation channels. Multiple antenna arrays at the transmit and received sides of the radio link were for the first time used in the IEEE 802.11n systems to realize the MIMO-OFDM concept. Afterwards, in 2008-2009, two perspective directions of further development for Wi-Fi systems were identified by the IEEE 802.11 committee. The first direction being developed within the IEEE 802.11ac standard framework further advances the MIMO-OFDM system concept with application of the multi-user MIMO modes in the traditional frequency bands of 2-5 GHz. The second direction, to be implemented by the IEEE 802.11ad standard, assumes exploitation of the new 60 GHz frequency band, which allows using ultra-wideband frequency channels with the frequency of a single channel of up to 2 GHz and achieving the throughputs of up to several Gbps.

The presentation considers basic physical layer technologies of the above mentioned Wi-Fi standards. An overview of the standardization process for those technologies is provided including the participation of the Nizhny Novgorod Lab of Intel Corporation and the University of Nizhny Novgorod.

Grigory Kabatiansky,
D.Sc. (math), Chief Researcher (KUSTAR, UAE) , Principal Scientist IITP
Approximation by Polynomials: Old Wine into New Wineskins (rus)
Ballroom C. Tuesday, October 4, 12:20 - 13:20

Long been well known how to construct the interpolating polynomial f (x) in one variable of degree at most k-1 for arbitrary values of ​​ y1, y2, … , yk and arbitrary distinct values ​​of x1, x2, … , xk , i.e. such a polynomial that f(xi)= yi for i = 1, ..., k (to use the Lagrange interpolation formula, or to solve a system of k linear equations with k unknowns - the coefficients of the polynomial). And what can be done if the values ​​of yi in n points x1, x2, … , xn are known (where n> k), but some of these values ​​ yi (but not more than t) are wrong, while nothing is known about the errors, and, of course, it is unknown which values ​​are wrong?

Then the natural goal is to construct "almost interpolation" of a polynomial f (x), i.e. such that f(xi)= yi for at least n-t points xi. If t< (n-k +1) / 2, then there exists only unique polynomial (as the difference between two solutions is at least n-2t roots, and its degree of no more than k-1). Find the corresponding polynomial was not so easy and efficient algorithms have been invented only in 60th years of last century: Trench for "conventional" fields like real or complex numbers, and Berlekamp - for finite fields. If the number t of errors exceeds the values ​​of t (n-k +1) / 2, then, in general, one gets a list of polynomial solutions. Obviously, if t < n-k +1, then the number of the corresponding polynomials is finite and of course does not exceed C(n,k), as a polynomial of degree at most k-1 is uniquely determined by its values ​​at any k points. However, all attempts to invent non-search algorithm for t > (n-k +1) / 2 more than thirty years have been unsuccessful.

The decision came from computer science. Madhu Sudan in 1997 proposed the following unexpected algorithm: to ``push’’ through n points (xi,yi) on a plane an algebraic curve P (x, y) of minimal "weighted" degree (weights of x and y are different in determining the "weighted" degree), and then all required polynomials f (x) are among the roots of P (x, y) considered as a polynomial in y with coefficients in the ring of polynomial in x. As often happens in mathematics, an essential component of the algorithm - the search for "roots", was already known, and finding of P (x, y) Sudan reduced to solving a system of linear equations. The lecture will explain the algorithm of Sudan and its improvements, and also we will discuss a generalization of this problem to the case of polynomials in several variables.

Igor Goldovskiy,
Ph.D. (math), Director of ZAO 'Platejnye systemy'
Interesting Facts from PIN-code History or Probability Theory in the Industry of Charge Cards (rus)
Ballroom C. Wednesday, October 5, 12:20 - 13:20

The report highlights the problem of card payments security and examines in detail one of the factors of multifactor authentication, cardholder’s PIN-code. PIN generation/verification and management procedures are considered in the report.

The report covers theoretical and practical methods for compromising the PIN-code and various means to combat them. Estimates of the probability of compromising the PIN-code when some information on PIN-code is known are presented.

Viktor Zyablov,
D.Sc. (tech), Head of Laboratory (IITP RAS)
Error-correction Coding in IITP RAS: History and Prospective Trends (rus)
Ballroom C. Tuesday, October 4, 10:00 - 11:00

Special merit in the development of error-correction coding shall be credited to M.S. Pinsker. He has contributed to the start and development of most trends of investigation in coding theory. A mere enumeration of the investigations results achieved at the Institute confirms that the scientists of the Institute were at the forefront of the world development in the field of error-correction coding. At that time the very development of error correction coding was for the most part predetermined by the internal logic of the coding theory. The analysis of that development will be given in the first part of the lecture.

The second part is devoted to the modern coding theory key problems. Nowadays the development of the coding theory is stipulated mostly by the demands of practice. These problems stem from such trends in applied research as error-correction coding in mobile, space and optical communications.

Eugeny Krouk
Dr.Sci.(tech); Professor (SUAI)
Error-correcting codes and public key cryptography (rus)
Ballroom C. Tuesday, October 4, 11:20 - 12:20

Will be available later.

Juri Apresjan,
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Principal Scientist (IITP RAS)
The Limits of Formalization in Syntax: the Durative Construction (рус)
Ballroom C. Thursday, October 6, 11:20 - 12:20

The talk is concerned with the rules of automatic identification of Russian durative constructions in an arbitrary text and the extent to which the respective syntactic knowledge of speakers can be formalized and, consequently, implemented on the computer. It is demonstrated that the bulk of parsing problems can be resolved on the basis of two innovative types of tools:
a) parsing rules which contain a large amount of lexical information;
b) automatic dictionaries which contain a large amount of grammatical information.

Two situations are singled out which defy formalization of knowledge used by humans to identify the syntactic structure of sentences even in those conditions:
a) when to do this it is necessary to know the communicative intentions of the author of the text;
b) when to do this it is necessary to assess the scope of the event at issue with regard to the amount of time such events normally take to occur.

Marina Glovinskaya,
D.Sc (fil), Principal Researcher (RLI RAS)
Changes in the Grammar of Modern Russian: Mistakes or Trends of Development? (rus)
Ballroom C. Thursday, October 6, 12:20 - 13:20

The lecture is concerned with two opposite trends which are at work in the grammar of modern Russian: the growth of analyticism, on the one hand, and its reduction where it is felt to be redundant, on the other. To demonstrate the first trend two facts are adduced:
1) gradual loss of case endings in the declension of numerals (which has been going on for centuries), up to a complete loss of declinability at the beginning of the 21 century;
2) the weakening of cases as syntactic markers which manifests itself in a mass confusion of the genitive and prepositional cases of substantives (zakon o vyborov and na Sakhaline bez osadkakh).

To demonstrate the second trend the so called undeclinable substantives are cited (pianino, kazino, taksi). In the language of Internet they start to be declined by ever growing numbers of speakers.

Leonid Iomdin
Ph.D. (fil), Principal Researcher (IITP RAS)
Microsyntax of Russian (rus)
Ballroom C. Thursday, October 6, 14:30 - 16:30

The lecture will focus on a variety of phenomena in modern Russian that occupy an intermediate position between the grammar and the dictionary. Most of these phenomena are of a highly individual character and require especially fine tools for research (the way certain medical conditions in need of surgical treatment require microsurgical instruments and techniques.

In particular, these phenomena include 1) syntactic idioms (i.e. such phraseological units that have syntactic properties different from those of normal linguistic units) and 2) non-standard syntactic constructions.

Examples of the first type of phenomena are expressions like
(1) s”est’ sobaku na X (lit. to eat a dog on X) ≈ ‘to have much experience in X’
(2) ruki češutsja X-ovat’ ≈ ‘there is a strong desire to perform X’
If we compare them with expressions that are lexically close to (1) and (2) but do not form phraseological units (cf. Zajac ne možet s”est’ sobaku ‘A hare cannot eat a dog’ or Posle etogo krema u menja ruki češutsja ‘my hands itch after I apply this kind of cream’) we will easily see that in addition to idiomatic meaning the given idioms acquire special properties of government (the preposition na in (1) that introduces the scope of experience or the infinitive in (2) that refers to the object of strong desire).

Examples of the second type of phenomena are constructions like
(3) Z-u X-ovat’ (cf. Vam vyxodit’ ‘You are to get off’, Komu rabotat’ ≈ ‘Who is there to work?’,
where the sense of a certain modality is not expressed by specific words like nužno ‘need’ or sleduet ‘should’ but by the constriction itself, or
(4) constructions with repeated words like X-ovat ne X-oval (cf. čitat’ ne čital (no listal) ≈ ‘ one didn’t really read it but flipped through’, xrapet’ on ne xrapit (a kakie-to zvuki vo sne prozivodit) ≈ ‘he does not exactly snore but he makes some sounds when he sleeps’ where the idea of incomplete action is not expressed by concrete lexical units like ne sovsem ‘not exactly’ or ne vprjamuju ‘not directly’ but by the repetition of words.

Special attention will be given to the techniques of strict description of such linguistic phenomena in theoretical and applied tasks.

Konstantin Severinov,
D.Sc. (biol.), Professor (Rutgers University, USA)
Interaction of Bacteria with Their Viruses (rus)
Ballroom C. Wednesday, October 5, 11:20 - 12:20

Bacterial viruses--bacteriophages--are the most abundant life form on our planet. Bacteriophages evolved a stunning variety of mechanisms that ensure highly efficient infection of bacterial hosts. The hosts, in turn, evolved mechanisms to control and prevent phage infections. Analysis of the mechanisms that underly the evolutionary arms race between bacteriophages and bacteria provided important paradigms of genetics regulation. Some of these paradigms will be discusses in the talk.

Vassily Lyubetsky,
D. Sc. (math), Head of Laboratory (IITP RAS)
RNA Polymerase Competition (rus)
Ballroom C. Thursday, October 6, 9:00 - 11:00

The talk will tackle the problem of the competition of “machines” moving along a line (straight or circle) in opposite directions under no possibility of overtaking or passing. A biological equivalent is the case of RNA polymerases moving on a discrete long strand of characters that includes specific regions (genes) and by so reading them. We have shown this competition to play an important role in the gene reading (transcription) frequency and regulation of gene activity. The suggested competition mechanism was used to explain the ample evidence published on heat shock studies and modification of genes and regulatory regions (knockout and mutation experiments). The competition process relates to the development of serious man diseases (like encephalomyopathy). Understanding the subject does not require knowledge of molecular biology, as it will be formulated in terms of the competition of abstract machines for reading predefined fixed “regions”. Mathematical basis of the competition model will be presented, and its research using supercomputer resources will be discussed.

Varvara Vedenina,
Ph.D. (biol.), Senior Researcher (IITP RAS)
Evolution of Mating Signals in Animals (rus)
Ballroom C. Wednesday, October 5, 9:00 - 11:00

The role of multiple cues in mate choice has been much discussed. In many animals, signals of different modalities, such as acoustic, visual, chemical or mechanical, are given simultaneously and accompanied by sophisticated behavior during courtship.

When males produce a variety of signal types, it is often not clear whether all of these signals are important in female mate choice. Courtship signals sometimes reach of an extreme complexity and these signals seem to provide even redundant information about their signaler.

One should distinguish long range and close range communication signals. Long distance, or calling, signals are primarily used to attract conspecific mates (mates of own species) at a distance. The calling signal has to provide reliable species-specific identification and ease of localization. It is suggested that the long range mating signals are likely to be subject of a stabilizing selection.

Another situation appears in the course of close range communication. Courtship songs produced by a male in a close proximity of a female allows her not only to recognize conspecific mate, but also evaluate the mate “quality”. In long range systems, which are relatively stable, it is much easier to extract information about the species of a signaler than about the quality of a signaler. In close range systems, some courtship parameters can be more stable and may be used for species recognition, whereas other, more variable, parameters may serve for the evaluation of mate quality. It is suggested that courtship signals are to a great extent driven by sexual selection and therefore, could evolve faster than the long range signals. We will discuss possible mechanisms underlying evolution of mate preferences for multiple courtship traits.

Vladimir Bastakov,
Ph.D. (biol.), Head of Laboratory (IITP RAS)
Geometry of Visual Perception (rus)
Ballroom C. Wednesday, October 5, 9:00 - 11:00

Space visual perception keeps being actively investigated even after decades of research. Including the function level we are far from full understanding of many fundamental questions of perception, key ones being, firstly, the detection of function connections between physical and visually perceived space and, secondly, the investigation of those physical parameters of the environment that are crucial for structure definition and visual space construction. The transition of a flat 2D retinal image to a 3D one is determined by sophisticated types of human visual system activity. These are investigated by differently specialized biologists joined by engineers and mathematicians who develop technical vision systems. Painters also should be added to this list, because space visual perception has always been topical for art, so important theoretical and practical experience has been accumulated in this sphere. Really, an artist painting, for example, a landscape or a portrait faces a paradoxical task to transmit the tridimensional world on a flat surface (paper, a canvas or a board) (Raushenbach, 2002). ancient wall painting, medieval, renaissance pictures or modern art are different examples of solving this space visual task. In different historical periods and cultures painters worked out their own way of the transmission of space depth and volume on a surface including geometrical ways (direct perspective, inverted perspective axonometric). The fact that in spite of all the conventionality of the art an observer looking at a picture almost always has a strong illusion of depth proves that artists intuitively have worked out some ways of the transmission of space depth and volume that don’t contradict natural visual perception mechanisms. Different ways of the transmission of space depth and volume in painting will be analyzed in the presentation in the context of visual perception mechanisms.