Short Program
Sunday, October, 2
15:00 17:00 | Registration Congress Centre Hall
17:00 18:00 | Poster Instructions and Mounting Meeting Congress Centre Hall
Monday, October 3
8:30 9:00 | Registration Congress Centre Hall
9:00 10:00 | Openning Session: Greetings Ballroom C
10:00 11:00 | Keynotes
The Spirit of Innovation (eng) Dr. Jean J. Botti, Chief Technical Officer of EADS Ballroom C
11:00 11:20 | Coffee Break | |
11:20 12:20 | Keynotes
Tools and Models for Real-time Analysis of Massive Streaming Data (eng) Giuseppe Bianchi, Professor of Telecommunications (University of Roma Tor Vergata) Ballroom C
12:20 13:20 | Keynotes
Multiple Access in Mobile Communication Systems (eng) Kamil Zigangirov, D.Sc. (tech), Professor (Lund University, Sweden), Chief Researcher (IITP RAS) Ballroom C
13:20 14:30 | Lunch Break | |
14:30 16:30 |
Intellectual Data Analysis (eng)
Ballroom C
Bioinformatics - RECESS (eng)
Ballroom A
16:30 16:50 | Coffee Break | |
16:50 18:50 |
Wireless Self-organizing Networks (eng)
Ballroom C
Bioinformatics: Eukaryotes and Algorithms (rus)
Ballroom A
Tuesday, October 4
9:00 10:00 | Keynotes
Telecommunication in Russia: The Past and The Future (rus) Alexander Kuleshov, Corresponding Member of RAS, Director of IITP RAS Ballroom C
10:00 11:00 | Keynotes
Error-correction Coding in IITP RAS: History and Prospective Trends (eng) Viktor Zyablov, D.Sc. (tech), Head of Laboratory (IITP RAS) Ballroom C
11:00 11:20 | Coffee Break | |
11:20 12:20 | Keynotes
Error-correcting codes and public key cryptography (rus) Eugeny Krouk Dr.Sci.(tech); Professor (SUAI) Ballroom C
12:20 13:20 | Keynotes
Approximation by Polynomials: Old Wine into New Wineskins (rus) Grigory Kabatiansky, D.Sc. (math), Chief Researcher (KUSTAR, UAE) , Principal Scientist IITP Ballroom C
13:30 14:30 | Lunch Break | |
14:30 16:30 |
Telecommunication Systems (rus)
Ballroom C
| Bioinformatics: Poster Advertising (rus) Ballroom A
16:30 16:50 | Coffee Break | |
16:50 18:50 |
Congress Centre Hall
Wednesday, October 5
9:00 11:00 |
Informational Processes in Living Systems - 1 (rus)
Ballroom C
Information Transmission, Processing and Coding (rus)
Ballroom A
11:00 11:20 | Coffee Break | |
11:20 12:20 | Keynotes
Interaction of Bacteria with Their Viruses (rus) Konstantin Severinov, D.Sc. (biol.), Professor (Rutgers University, USA) Ballroom C
12:20 13:20 | Keynotes
Interesting Facts from PIN-code History or Probability Theory in the Industry of Charge Cards (rus) Igor Goldovskiy, Ph.D. (math), Director of ZAO 'Platejnye systemy' Ballroom C
13:30 14:30 | Lunch Break | |
14:30 16:30 |
Mathematics: Information Theory, Algebra, Logic - 1 (rus)
Ballroom C
Bioinformatics - Molecular Evolution (rus)
Ballroom A
16:30 16:50 | Coffee Break | |
16:50 18:50 |
Mathematics: Information Theory, Algebra, Logic - 2 (rus)
Ballroom C
Bioinformatics - Bacteria (rus)
Ballroom A
Thursday, October 6
9:00 11:00 |
Informational Processes in Living Systems -2 (rus)
Ballroom C
11:00 11:20 | Coffee Break | |
11:20 12:20 | Keynotes
The Limits of Formalization in Syntax: the Durative Construction (рус) Juri Apresjan, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Principal Scientist (IITP RAS) Ballroom C
12:20 13:20 | Keynotes
Changes in the Grammar of Modern Russian: Mistakes or Trends of Development? (rus) Marina Glovinskaya, D.Sc (fil), Principal Researcher (RLI RAS) Ballroom C
13:30 14:30 | Lunch Break | |
14:30 16:30 |
Computer Linguistincs (rus)
Ballroom C
16:30 16:50 | Coffee Break | |
16:50 18:50 |
Information Processes and Control in Complex Systems (rus)
Ballroom C
20:00 24:00 | Gala Dinner |